
The Library of Mary Ellen Smith

poems for kids
Here are some poems that children might like.
Title Date Posted Date Created Ratings
Votes Creativity Form Imagery Overall
  Curds and Webs 03/19/2005 03/19/2005 6 Brilliant Well-Framed Evocative Well Written
  Gardenalot 04/10/2005 10/31/2001 4 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Grand Rabbit's Easter Day 04/15/2006 04/15/2006 5 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Grand Rabbit's Spring Day 04/20/2006 04/19/2006 2 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Halloween and the Little Very Shy Piggy 10/23/2011 10/22/2011 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  I Don't Really Like Halloween All That Much 10/30/2005 10/30/2005 2 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Its hard to hug a porcupine 04/27/2002 04/27/2002 4 Outstanding Well-Framed Evocative Well Written
  My donkey 04/27/2002 04/27/2002 1 Outstanding Well-Framed Vivid Clever
  One Vine (children's poem) 03/27/2003 03/26/2003 7 Outstanding Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Poem...let me know if this stinks :) 03/30/2005 03/29/2005 3 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Pumpkin 10/12/2001 10/12/2001 1 Outstanding Well-Framed Evocative Well Written
  Rosie, the Teacup 05/4/2003 05/04/2003 5 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Seedling 09/1/2005 03/23/1999 3 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Spaghetti Dreams 04/20/2005 04/19/2005 4 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Teddy Bear Tea Party 02/17/2003 02/17/2003 4 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  The Doily Queen (repost) 03/20/2005 03/20/2005 2 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  The Girl Who Loves Rainbows 04/13/2006 04/13/2006 12 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  The Pumpkins 11/1/2009 10/31/2009 2 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Well Written
  There’s An Elephant in the Room. 08/2/2005 08/02/2005 7 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  The Upside Down Day 12/12/2008 12/12/2008 8 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
Displaying Rows 1 - 20 of 20

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