
The Library of Melinda Sordino

her bones & truth show through
Title Date Posted Date Created Ratings
Votes Creativity Form Imagery Overall
  angel? 04/16/2004 04/16/2004 1 Outstanding Outstanding Flow Descriptive Has Potential
  anorexia 08/27/2003 08/26/2003 1 Outstanding Well-Framed Evocative Well Written
  black widow 10/16/2005 10/16/2005 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  creed - Explicit 07/11/2004 07/11/2004 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  days, hours, minutes, seconds... 04/28/2004 04/28/2004 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  even magic leaves unanswered questions 01/7/2004 09/22/1999 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  for him 09/8/2003 09/08/2003 1 Imaginative Well-Framed Descriptive Well Written
  i never really loved you - Explicit 09/4/2003 09/04/2003 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  i will not succumb (the man on my shoulder) 09/18/2003 09/18/2003 2 Outstanding Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  math 04/5/2005 04/05/2005 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  myself 08/20/2003 08/20/2003 5 Outstanding Well-Framed Evocative Well Written
  not anymore - Explicit 04/18/2004 04/18/2004 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  nothing at all 11/20/2003 11/19/2003 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  novocaine 09/24/2003 09/23/2003 1 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  outsiders 01/7/2004 02/18/2000 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  paper doll 01/29/2004 01/28/2004 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  perfection attained 01/8/2004 01/08/2004 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  please keep your hands and arms inside the car at all times... 09/10/2003 09/10/2003 1 Imaginative Well-Framed Evocative Well Written
  running 11/21/2003 11/21/2003 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  setting sun 01/7/2004 02/21/2000 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  shattered 09/8/2003 09/08/2003 2 Imaginative Well-Framed Evocative Well Written
  skin 02/23/2004 02/22/2004 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  the darkness inside me is bleeding... 10/22/2003 10/21/2003 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  time passes, love remains 04/19/2004 04/19/2004 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  today - Explicit 10/25/2005 10/25/2005 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  |< First Displaying Rows 1 - 26 of 27 Next >> - Last >|  

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