running by Melinda Sordinohow much farther
will i have to run
before i will finally feel free?
my legs are heavy and
my feet are tired
yet i know that
i must press on
rarely stopping for
a bite to eat or
ever allowing a
sip of fluid to cross my lips,
dry and cracked as
the earth on a dry summer's day
when the grass turns brown
and dies without water
its a lot like
i just change colors and
shrink and
lie dormant
but if i stay too long
i am immobilized and
so instead i run
sprinting ahead
jogging back for you
only to sprint again.
you say my thoughts
confuse you like
a funhouse where
the mirrors mock you and
an exit is no where
to be found
but remember that
this is where i live,
day in and day out and
so i try to fix it
make you happy
but i realize i cannot
fix the mirrors nor make an exit
but i can run and so i do
running for my life, or from it
what's the difference anyway?
11/21/2003 Posted on 11/21/2003 Copyright © 2025 Melinda Sordino