The Library of Kristina Woodhill
Honorary Patron

City: Bend
State: Oregon
Country: USA
Member Since: December 2005
Last Login: 05/04/2024

Born in the Oregon desert, sagebrush and juniper smudge early memories, books and nature as playmates; camel thorn and sands of Afghanistan prick at and cover over my adolescence, travel opening eyes and mind - intoxicated by history and different cultures; plants sustain me, people intrigue me, writing helps keep me sane.

Kristina is a member of Sessions of Sweet Silent Thought.

The following icons will enable you to enter different areas of this poet's library. Click on the appropriate icon to enter the area of your choice.
My Favorites
My Favorites
Divine Domesticity
Divine Domesticity
Exploring Sonnets
Exploring Sonnets
Green Zone Series
Green Zone Series
In My Garden
In My Garden
Limerick Season
Limerick Season
The Threshold and Beyond
The Threshold and Beyond

Title Date Created Date Posted
  After the Photo was Taken 09/10/2021 09/10/2021
  A Pair with High Hopes 04/18/2021 04/18/2021
  Autumn Walk 11/6/2020 11/06/2020
  Bone Clatter 11/4/2018 11/04/2018
  Brief Moments in Time 02/8/2022 02/08/2022
  Cat Farewell 10/26/2018 10/26/2018
  Christmas Traditions 12/3/2018 12/03/2018
  Climbing the Kite String 08/17/2019 08/17/2019
  Counting on this Year 01/2/2020 01/02/2020
  Cow and Moon 09/4/2022 09/04/2022
  Crack! 07/5/2022 07/05/2022
  Dealing with just hanging around 04/22/2020 04/22/2020
  Early Morning Roll Call 08/7/2018 08/07/2018
  Face to face into the future 10/22/2019 10/22/2019
  Father, had you been 07/26/2020 07/26/2020
  Father, had you been 07/26/2020 07/26/2020
  Front Page News 10/8/2019 10/08/2019
  Garden Party 05/1/2020 05/01/2020
  Gopher It 07/31/2021 07/31/2021
  Grammar Speaks its Minds 01/5/2020 01/05/2020
  Guinea Hen 07/14/2019 07/14/2019
  Hand Held World 08/2/2018 08/02/2018
  Home Away From Home 02/17/2019 02/17/2019
  Into the woods in August 08/24/2018 08/24/2018
  Lament to Early Morning 02/26/2020 02/26/2020
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