Cat Farewell

by Kristina Woodhill

Neko Kuro
black cat

crossed his own road
jinxed his own path

curses growing inside his mouth
tongue tied him to his fate

resting now
our pet cemetery welcomed
him home

Miss M and Tabitha
shifted and offered firm ground

each soft covering towel on sofa
each sleeping pad on entertainment center

tucked away

cat tower soon to be stowed

our memories and photos
cannot at this moment
fill my aching ears

attuned to soft purrs
loud demanding meows

only ticking clocks
haunting me
taunting me
with time's passage


Posted on 10/26/2018
Copyright © 2024 Kristina Woodhill

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 10/27/18 at 11:58 AM

Quite the moving piece, Kristina. Sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is never easy.

Posted by Glenn Currier on 10/30/18 at 04:45 AM

I agree with Chris and extend my condolences as well. There is something ethereal and mysterious about cats and oh how they worm their way into our hearts! We have buried several in our own little pet cemetery in the back yard. I think their ghosts have protected us from evil spirits who might otherwise have entered there. Peace and love to you, Kristina.

Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 10/31/18 at 12:08 PM

sorry for your loss, Kristina. Your poem is lovely and musical and stirring images in me beyond the emotional.

Posted by George Hoerner on 01/26/19 at 06:05 PM

We have recently acquired a young cat. No more than a couple of months but after a week with us it has almost doubled its size. Much to the dismay of our two small dogs. It loves me and often jumps into my lap and goes to sleep. I've not seen many cats do this as they seem to prefer their own company and contentment. But I can't recall ever seeing an animal that I didn't love. I've dogs, cats, horses off and on for as far back as I can remember. But my was says that isn't past two hours so I'm probably not saying a lot. Take m'lady!! george

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