Occupation: rejuvination
City: DeSoto
State: Texas
Country: USA
Member Since: December 2001
Last Login: 04/10/2020
Homepage: http://PoetryInProgress.net
Retired from a long career as an educator, I find myself in the delightful position of rediscovering the creative aspects of my self. I look to artists and writers who lived into their eighties as role models for how to create this part of my life.
Poetry is taking an important role these days. I have helped to start a poetry group in my community and have developed a website (named after the group), http://www.PoetryInProgress.net This is a new kind of endeavor for me and I have been invigorated by new relationships and challenges.
Ironically, I have been so busy with all of this, I have had less time to write poetry and to visit this wonderful website, for which I will always be grateful.
Glenn is a member of the following groups: Sessions of Sweet Silent Thought, The Tadpole Society, and Words at Play.The following icons will enable you to enter different areas of this poet's library. Click on the appropriate icon to enter the area of your choice.