Front Page News

by Kristina Woodhill

Lying abed drowsily,
hearing early morning traffic grumbles
begin their stop-and-go surging

she envisioned her choice
front page story,

something to cut the grunge,
dry the smeared blood of
yesterday's list of horrors

Something like:

Local bear
goes on a hugging spree!

Dark, furry figure
seen leaving its abode

first reported
approaching person
traversing parking lot

lumbering up
to stunned-in-place man,
bear apparently reared up,
firmly hugging,

a catch and release approach,
person claims,
as bear moved on

Fishing for something,
the man said,
I dunno,
but it felt good,
that heart to heart

Similar reports filtered in
throughout the day

Fallen elderly woman lifted out of a tight spot,
hug from bear included

Children on playground
surround over-sized teddy bear
doling out hugs,

screams of laughter
ricocheting off schools'
so-weary bricked walls

Red rover red rover
send black bear right over

Every customer in dollar store
got their money's worth;
get a hug, get another hug

changed their name for the day,
ordering articulated arms
to fill demands

Fat man claimed
his new best squeeze

Skinny woman feigned a swoon
over wearing a genuine fur coat

Well, sure,
dogs threw a fit,
cats hid,
Goldilocks and bear
circled each other
at the Plaza
wondering who would
blink or wink first

Best sighting reported:

armored vehicles,
armored people
dissolved into the pavement
like pastel sidewalk chalk
on a rainy day

Furry paw stamp of approval,
file story and print


Posted on 10/08/2019
Copyright © 2024 Kristina Woodhill

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 10/09/19 at 12:09 PM

LOL Love the/your sense of humor in this one, Kris. Surreal, but realistic enough this could be played out on the small or big screen, satisfying enough to play out in the screens of our minds.

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