Face to face into the future

by Kristina Woodhill

To Facebook or Not
to leave our words' haven,
safety deposit box for works lovingly penned,
pathetic pals we cherish
like face-to-face buddies

As our Castle's walls crumble
into ether net's black hole
one function at a time

we may consider a next step
before the door snaps shut
before the Welcome Mat
completely shreds


Posted on 10/22/2019
Copyright © 2024 Kristina Woodhill

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 10/22/19 at 08:35 PM

I feel your pain Kristina. The great thing about FB is that you can shut it down for a while if it's too much, then reactivate it later on; all your previous postings/photos will be intact. Good poem too, concrete and abstract images combined.

Posted by Laura Doom on 11/11/19 at 12:10 AM

A time capsule - we control little beyond our own creativity, and our ability to evolve and adapt, if we have the stomach for it.
At least it is quiet in here, a haven that I am grateful you still inhabit.

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