Home Away From Home

by Kristina Woodhill

One year I was a Keebler elf
and lived inside a tree,
bark protected me,
I yearned for space away

Ovens set on warm,
no cookies, I threw out sweet dough;
I baked, instead,
a mourner's bread
and kneaded qualms away

I rented out a weeping willow
the year my brother died;
it draped and covered me,
declared the rent was free,
I tried and tried to pay

It showed me how to wail
and ride the howling winds,
to shed my rain
debark old pain,
leave demons flung and flayed

Resting now, contentedly,
atop a Redwood on the coast,
a look out
for odd water spouts
or shooting stars in night's vast face

Old Red and I are in cahoots,
I tend her cones, recount her nests,
a welcome friend,
each Sunset, ageless, we embrace


Author's Note: Our meet-up poetry group is working on poems for an anthology with a theme of Trees.

Posted on 02/17/2019
Copyright © 2024 Kristina Woodhill

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 02/17/19 at 09:02 PM

Excellent piece, Kristina! Both playful and serious at the same time. A worthy entry for your group's anthology IMHO.

Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 02/20/19 at 09:21 AM

Kristina, I love the chronological rhythmic effect and rhyme of this piece and the offbeat and melancholy aspect of it is quite appealing. It is almost Canteburian in its tale telling.

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