
The Library of Lacy D Phillips

Collection 2 - Good As My Word
These are the works from 2003, which I will eventually edit, pare down and collect in a book to be named \"As Good As My Word\" along with some works from 2002 and the present. I separate my works into books to accompany chapters of my life. The break occured the last time after \"Zwishenraum: the space between\" and I\'m feeling like I\'m ending a chapter again...so stay posted.
Title Date Created Date Posted
  1st Date 09/21/2005 09/21/2005
  A Choir of Daffodils 03/31/2003 03/31/2003
  Advent 04/12/2004 04/12/2004
  A Life Lived Independent of Love 03/31/2003 03/26/2003
  A Place Called Desperation 02/15/2003 02/14/2003
  Architect of Emotion 10/17/2003 10/17/2003
  Barefoot, in two movements 02/25/2003 02/21/2003
  Beacon 06/12/2005 06/12/2005
  Black hOle Love 09/20/2003 09/20/2003
  City (e)Scape 05/17/2005 05/17/2005
  Confused Affection: some thoughts on the subject of him 08/16/2005 08/16/2005
  Curtain Call 01/26/2006 01/26/2006
  For Viggo (as if I had the right) 04/13/2004 12/10/2003
  Getaway Anyway 06/25/2003 06/24/2003
  Gone Fallow 01/17/2004 01/16/2004
  Grief 07/20/2005 07/19/2005
  Hayswood Park. 30 juillet 2005 07/31/2005 07/30/2005
  In Search of Existence 05/2/2005 05/02/2005
  It Never Snows Here (in my heart anymore) 09/19/2003 09/19/2003
  Just Miss (semi-adult) 06/26/2003 06/26/2003
  Life is nothing to the Moment 06/5/2003 06/05/2003
  Maybe Enough 09/7/2003 09/07/2003
  My Silence, more than my many words 12/14/2005 12/13/2005
  No Reason Kept Here 08/8/2003 08/07/2003
  Nothin Epic in the Epicenter 05/28/2003 05/26/2003
  |< First Displaying Rows 1 - 26 of 56 Next >> - Last >|  

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