Beacon by Lacy D PhillipsFlying low over oceans so as not to see the world as a small thing -
England only a splinter of land wedged in the palm of the Atlantic -
for you are impossibly distant, whole galaxies exist between us.
But when you say things like hunger, when you say things like lack,
it makes me ache to take flight, ignorant of the blue above,
unaware of a sky threatening to pin me to the dimpled sea,
clouds blossom from my breath to rain on you, running to meet me,
coming with the sun to take you up in a embrace ablaze for the ages.
06/12/2005 Author's Note: Written in response to a converstion with and a song written by Ryan Koriya, member of London unsigned accoustic rock band Mann Friday.
Posted on 06/12/2005 Copyright © 2025 Lacy D Phillips