Curtain Call by Lacy D PhillipsAction in a .certain. .decisive. direction. cuts me cleanly from your life abruptly as I'd entered in. Once incorporated in your imaginings; now incised whole, surgically, unfeeling, numbed. I inquired, as is my talent, to mine your labrynthine thoughts, questions excavate to yield none but the .one. .wrong. .answer. Dark preambles of romance wither when exposed, transform the landscape of my pain into mountains of doubt, valleys of blame. Each encounter with your memory deposits strata of g(u)ilt in bitter layers of terrain alien to my emotional topography. Fallout rains on my resting place. The silt of hurt feelings settles, hardens, seething withdrawal encased as I lay deep in my natural state, commanded into inaction, forbidden reply. Only tacit remembrance allowed as the script winds down. The scene ends. Blackout. 01/26/2006 Posted on 01/26/2006 Copyright © 2025 Lacy D Phillips