Black hOle Love by Lacy D Phillips"Love is like a black hole," you told me all that time ago. "All the most brilliant in the world, the ones who've really got a shot at understanding the mechanics of it, they're the ones that are too afraid, terrified of the event horizon, that pinpoint of a moment when you get inexhorably sucked in." You liked to equate emotion with science, even when it made you pretentious, one of those coffee house bastards that know too much about everything and not enough about yourself. You'd sweep your arms out wide to illustrate the time-space continuum and funnel half-baked theorems down my ears. "It's only the ignorant that get too near to love, leave the earth behind to search and face the despair of space, cross that threshold and dissapear down in it before they've even had a thought to think of what they've got their damned selves into. They won't see it coming, that black hole love. By the time they know what hit them, time won't exist anymore. It'll steal their light away, love will. Only the ignorant get too near." 09/20/2003 Posted on 09/20/2003 Copyright © 2025 Lacy D Phillips