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The Library of Chris Sorrenti

Paper Guitar
As stated in my bio and journal, my earliest poetic influences were the lyrics of various Folk and Rock musicians. When I began to write poetry as a teenager, it was only natural then that I would emulate those who had inspired me. As I continued to write, I soon realized that some ideas were better expressed by employing repetition, rhyme and rhythm. I would sing these poems in my mind or aloud as I wrote them down, in some cases even working out background vocals and instruments. At 17, I also began to play guitar, and continued to play off and on over the years, working out note and chord arrangements for several of my lyrics. I had and still have a habit however of getting sidetracked with other projects and relationships, and so never seemed to muster the energy and passion to practice every day as a good musician should. I haven't given up the dream, however as the saying goes, "So much to do and so little time." It's my hope at least that maybe some musician or rock group will someday take an interest in my lyrics, and with my guidance, record them. This has in fact happened already with one of my songs, Reign Of The Chrome People. In 2001, local Ottawa musicians, Marc Boucher and John Hummel put it to Pink Floyd style music and recorded it onto CD. Ironically, the lyrics were inspired by a painting Marc did back in 1987. There may be more of these collaborations in the future, God willing.
Title Date Posted Date Created Ratings
Votes Creativity Form Imagery Overall
  Ottawa 02/15/2018 02/15/2018 1 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Paper Guitar 04/10/2016 04/10/2016 1 Outstanding Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Potato 10/11/2015 10/11/2015 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Reign Of The Chrome People 08/23/2015 08/23/2015 1 Outstanding Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Rocker 11/3/2019 11/03/2019 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Session 10 09/10/2013 09/10/2013 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Silly Puddy 09/21/2007 09/21/2007 7 Outstanding Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Somethin' Else 03/21/2021 03/21/2021 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Temperrr Tantrum - Explicit 07/21/2015 07/21/2015 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  The Cobra Gang 02/10/2022 02/10/2022 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  The Politics Of Imagery 03/7/2005 03/06/2005 3 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  This Newest Night 12/24/2014 12/24/2014 3 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Tiger In A Bag 06/2/2014 06/02/2014 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Time of the Right 01/23/2017 01/23/2017 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Wake Up 10/25/2019 10/25/2019 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  We Know - They Know 11/2/2005 11/01/2005 5 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Wired For Sound 09/22/2014 09/22/2014 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
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