
The Library of Emily Davidson

poems about girls.
Title Date Created Date Posted
  a girl and a woman 06/8/2006 06/08/2006
  anything to seem enticing 05/24/2006 05/23/2006
  be good - Explicit 06/10/2005 06/10/2005
  clamourous and glamourous 11/22/2003 11/22/2003
  could never, should never 06/4/2004 06/03/2004
  every sense 06/26/2006 06/25/2006
  her lover's hands - Explicit 12/9/2003 12/09/2003
  i drive fast 07/20/2006 07/20/2006
  it is magic 06/8/2006 06/08/2006
  it is necessary to keep quiet 06/29/2006 06/28/2006
  one woman's dance 11/27/2003 11/26/2003
  second thought 10/15/2004 10/14/2004
  she squints, she smiles - Explicit 08/9/2004 08/09/2004
  side by side 08/3/2008 08/03/2008
  the most glamourous of crimes - Explicit 12/8/2003 12/08/2003
  the waves came to a crash 04/25/2005 04/24/2005
  truth and confession 06/29/2006 06/28/2006
  vindictive - Explicit 06/9/2005 06/08/2005
  women like puppets and men like puppeteers 12/2/2003 12/02/2003
Displaying Rows 1 - 19 of 19

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