
The Library of Richard Vince

Title Date Posted Date Created Ratings
Votes Creativity Form Imagery Overall
  Adolescence 12/29/2012 12/08/2012 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Anthem 02/20/2012 02/17/2012 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Asynchronous 12/4/2012 10/25/2012 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  A Tale of Two Summers 04/15/2012 03/07/2012 1 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  By the Sea 06/10/2012 04/23/2012 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Capital 03/23/2012 02/28/2012 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Celebrate 07/30/2012 07/12/2012 1 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Coffee 05/22/2012 03/25/2012 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Constance 10/9/2012 09/18/2012 1 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Conversation 09/3/2012 08/10/2012 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Customer Service 11/20/2012 10/25/2012 1 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Echoes 06/24/2012 05/26/2012 1 Outstanding Outstanding Flow Evocative Memorable
  Generations 01/3/2013 12/12/2012 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Glasnost 10/23/2012 09/27/2012 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Idea 10/2/2012 09/17/2012 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Light 06/17/2012 04/23/2012 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Liverpool Street 10/30/2012 10/18/2012 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Lost Decade 07/21/2012 06/20/2012 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Mist 11/4/2012 10/23/2012 5 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Photo Booth 01/8/2013 12/14/2012 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Plans 05/28/2012 04/12/2012 1 Imaginative Competent Descriptive Clever
  Regress 12/9/2012 10/26/2012 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Repetition 11/9/2012 10/23/2012 1 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Reunion 09/26/2012 09/08/2012 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Shades of Saturday 11/12/2012 10/25/2012 2 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  |< First Displaying Rows 1 - 26 of 35 Next >> - Last >|  

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