
Liverpool Street

by Richard Vince

To me it was always the gateway to
The east; the key to a thousand
Mysterious destinations set in
An unfamiliar landscape.

To her it was a necessary evil that
She came to regard with affection:
A staging point on her journey
Between the life she lived and
The life she loved.

There were such places in my life,
But only for a year. She had
Too many years to come to love
That which others regard with a
Contempt reserved for the everyday.

Now that life and love occupy
The same place in her world,
I wonder if she ever thinks about
The part those journeys played in
Getting her there, or the balance of
Friday night anticipation with
Sunday afternoon melancholy.

I hope that she loves her present,
But still regards her past with
Heartwarming affection and
A nostalgic smile.


Posted on 10/30/2012
Copyright © 2024 Richard Vince

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by George Hoerner on 10/31/12 at 01:40 AM

Do I see an past love between these lines? Or am I reading in too much? Very nice write either way.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 11/05/12 at 02:28 PM

This is really a fine blending of where one comes from and where one is. I would also love to read what she might write about this transition.

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