For Reason I Wouldn't Buy A Smart Phone

by Philip F De Pinto

She said I was seriously behind the times
I said at least I have my rhymes

Which are less than serious
And will have nothing to do with time

She scrunched her heel
Onto the parquet floor

And said - oh that old crap!
Couldn't swap it for a meal if you were starving

I said it may be old crap to you
But it is this old crap that sustains me

And between you and I - said I - I might seem daft
But for my chosen craft - I wouldn't mind starving

She bitched and moaned
And said sure - if you persist

In holding on to such stupid and arcane things
Such as old verse and old phones and older notions of poets starving for their craft

You'll always be a has been
So why not get with the times

Break down and buy a smart phone -
As if I wasn't already broken down by the times

By such notions that her phone could be more literate than mine
I said fine - not to worry - that my crappy old rhymes

And my right to starve for my craft
As well as my stupidity

In holding on to old and illiterate phones
Are grandfathered in


Posted on 02/14/2018
Copyright © 2025 Philip F De Pinto

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Clara Mae Gregory on 02/14/18 at 01:52 PM

Do not not despair. You may have saved your brain From the head cancer lair.

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 02/14/18 at 02:38 PM

lol That's telling her Phil. You and I are kindred spirits; I too having no smart or cell phone...hand held device, but a land line with voice-mail.

Posted by Glenn Currier on 02/16/18 at 01:11 AM

Phil, I love this piece. How captured are so many by the technological idols and blinded to the deeper value of pausing, writing, and cherishing the things and people of this life. Deaf are they who hear only the notification noises, see the lol's and omg's. The superficiality of "social media" sometimes makes me cringe... except of course, in the rare instances in which I can read a well-crafted poem there. My wife and sister - both proud of their dumb phones and scoff at those who scoff at their crappy attachments to things like trees and silence and pausing to pen a rhyme. Please cover me with as much crap as you wish, Phil.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 02/18/18 at 11:31 PM

The lady has serious attitude - love that scrunching heel on parquet floor. But she has missed the point of our world of words and that is her loss. "As if I wasn't already broken down by the times" - great line as is that last clincher - "grandfathered in." You always serve up a fine meal for this hungry reader.

Posted by Michael Anthony on 03/20/18 at 12:01 AM

I love this , it's like I finally get the joke! One can not be a "has been" without "Having Been" first, for that I would say, Thank You.

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