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by Chris Sorrenti

if you only knew
how far I’ve come
since inside of you
dressed upon a wind chicane
lightly am I wandering
a million miles from your arms
and I see clouds ahead

As I look at people - places - things
all I see is imagery
inspirational energy
- overloaded nerve endings
the chain reaction you and father started
never ever to end

if you could only hear
feel me inside your womb again
I'd blow your mind a thousand times
dispel all your fears

For in the shadow of the world
I have witnessed many things
the wisdom of the ages
what it is to truly live
as once again I feel the power
rushing over me
electricity building in my wings
as I listen to the birds of creation
singing in the treetops
across the endless fields

Though for a moment
the birds stop chirping
silence echoes - rules supreme
but what's that noise?
or is it just my imagination
playing tricks with me again?
for I can hear the sound of thunder
growing in the distance
on the borders of my mind
as all the imagery that I’ve become
will soon again be blasted forward

if you could only see
how far your love has taken me
the marvel and the mystery
to see the world in infrared
every person - place - and thing
exploding into words

© February 20th, 1982

1,560 hits as of December 2024


Posted on 10/01/2009
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Shannon McEwen on 10/01/09 at 05:30 AM

lovely tribute your mother, I am sorry to hear about the battle with cancer, that must be hard for both of you.

Posted by H.M Stevens on 10/01/09 at 01:54 PM

you had this posted several years ago, and i printed it out and read it many times. i cant tell you how much it affected me.

Posted by Glenn Currier on 10/01/09 at 05:02 PM

Oh, Chris, what a glorious paen to your mother. How it is filled with gratitude and life multiplied from in the son from the sum a mother's love. The richness and hope in your poem is alight in the present darkness. May its spirit enliven you during this trying and difficult period. Blessings and peace to you and your parents, my dear friend.

Posted by Gregory O'Neill on 10/01/09 at 10:42 PM

It is unfortunate that time desends darkly on all things of beauty. One generation overseeing the vision of perpetuity in the next. Thoughtful, expressive and lovely, for love's sake alone. Thanks.

Posted by Tony Whitaker on 10/02/09 at 06:53 AM

I can't say in mere words how much this poem touches me personally. My own mother is almost crippled from rheumatoid arthritis and this poem, especially that last stanza, speaks, no shouts to me of what I feel about my mother. Thank you Chris and I am so sorry for her having the fight of the dirge not yet broken by research!

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 10/02/09 at 09:59 PM

Deeply moving, almost epoch at the individual human level, yet so very personal. I am honored you have shared this with us.

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 10/03/09 at 05:54 PM

Your mother must find this most encouraging. A tribute to her and your poetic talent. Your mother is in my prayers.

Posted by Charles E Minshall on 10/05/09 at 04:30 AM

Nice poem to your Mom Chris.....CharMin

Posted by Sandy M. Humphrey on 10/05/09 at 08:39 PM

May your mom's battle be a strong one and may you find a way to fight along side her with your words and emotions. My thoughts and prayers are with you. smh

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 10/06/09 at 12:03 AM

...a touche to 'those who brungs us life'...well said, a patchwork of yearnings we can't speak...

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