
A poetry judge looking for that one poem

by Ronald A Pavellas

Slogging through each moaning whining crying sniveling complaint
Of lost love, of no love
Of nameless pain, of pain in excruciating detail
Of anomie, of unfulfilled desires
Of how unfair life is to ME-E-E!

Dutifully looking for that one poem that:
Dives deep into my soul

I can’t find it!
Why ME-E-E, O Lord?

It isn’t fair ...


Posted on 12/10/2002
Copyright © 2024 Ronald A Pavellas

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Rommel Cruz on 12/11/02 at 09:53 AM

i have difficulty writing happy poems. i have one that people say inspiring though. you can try (Not your usual) shower if you have time.

Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 12/12/02 at 12:25 PM

bloody brilliant satyricon.

Posted by JD Clay on 12/13/02 at 05:20 AM

A heartfelt plea Ron. Nicely scripted. Peace...

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 12/13/02 at 12:56 PM

Although I once managed a poetry contest, and enjoyed reading through what was submitted, I'm glad I didn't have to make the final decisions as to who would lose and win. The really good poems made up for the really bad ones. Thanks for the humorous reminder, Ron. :o)

Posted by Rusty C Arquette on 12/13/02 at 06:59 PM

Even shy and withdrawn humans think they, deep down, are very clever - As long as that sort of thinking is left unchecked, we'll all have to put up with a lot dregs in our poetic cup - I say we get a big bus and drive around, pick them all up, then lock them all together in one large arena and let them all read themselves to death! - LOL! - Loved it - RCat ...Say, was that a bus that just pulled up outside!!!

Posted by Charles E Minshall on 12/14/02 at 06:49 AM

A-h-h-h yes the wishful thinking. Good poem Ron...Charlie

Posted by Andrew S Adams on 03/28/03 at 12:47 AM

i love this, and may you forever be cursed to search through poem upon poem and so on and so forth... if you keep churning out gems like this, i'm inclined to do my best to keep you from finding what you're looking for... :-p

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