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The Library of Maria Terezia Ferencz

Unanswered Questions of the Soul
The thoughts that keep me awake at night, pinching my soul when it falls asleep.
Title Date Posted Date Created Ratings
Votes Creativity Form Imagery Overall
  10:21 02/1/2005 01/31/2005 1 Imaginative Well-Framed Descriptive Well Written
  New Entry  Afraid of the dark 05/24/2005 05/23/2005 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  A Rose by any other black squirmy line still smells 08/11/2006 08/11/2006 6 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  A Taste of Text 10/10/2006 10/10/2006 1 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Evocative Memorable
  A Thorn 08/11/2006 08/11/2006 3 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Batter Me with Steel 05/9/2006 05/09/2006 1 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Best Choices (abecedarian) 10/28/2006 10/28/2006 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Bitter Waltz 07/23/2005 07/23/2005 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Breathe In Breathe Out 09/27/2005 09/27/2005 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Bystander Of Life & Useless Reminders 08/16/2006 08/16/2006 7 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Cars Too Fast 08/22/2006 08/22/2006 1 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Charity 04/20/2005 01/02/2004 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Click Away The Pain 04/19/2005 04/19/2005 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Cold Hard Truth~My Temporary Hell 09/12/2006 09/11/2006 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Color felt not seen 07/10/2005 07/10/2005 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Come To Truth 06/11/2005 06/11/2005 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Dear God 03/1/2005 02/28/2005 2 Brilliant Outstanding Flow Vivid Memorable
  Dreaming 02/22/2005 02/22/2005 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Dreamlands Border 03/3/2005 03/03/2005 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Edit Please 02/14/2005 02/14/2005 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Eyes Open 02/24/2005 02/24/2005 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Footprints of Grief 03/13/2005 03/13/2005 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  God of Ink 03/3/2005 03/03/2005 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Gray Soul Dancing 03/1/2005 02/28/2005 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  Happy Endings 02/14/2005 02/14/2005 This Poem Is Currently Not Rated
  |< First Displaying Rows 1 - 26 of 59 Next >> - Last >|  

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