
Top 200 Poems

The following is a list by criterea of what our members consider the best poetry on the site. The ranking is based upon the overall score and number of votes cast per poem. Trolling, or voting low to knock people off the list, is tracked and is cause for member termination.

Most Creative:
  1. The Sea Odette by Elizabeth Jill
    (Brilliant, 30 Votes)
  2. iron knees by Elizabeth Jill
    (Brilliant, 17 Votes)
  3. Night Siren by Therese Elaine
    (Brilliant, 16 Votes)
  4. Lost And Found by Anne Engelen
    (Brilliant, 16 Votes)
  5. The Gift, The Curse, The Promise by Chris Sorrenti
    (Brilliant, 15 Votes)
  6. Like Pages Torn from Gideon Bibles by V. Blake
    (Brilliant, 14 Votes)
  7. Are You by George Hoerner
    (Brilliant, 13 Votes)
  8. Multiple Choice by Kristina Woodhill
    (Brilliant, 13 Votes)
  9. take up your bed by Mara Meade
    (Brilliant, 13 Votes)
  10. Gargantuan Smile by JD Clay
    (Brilliant, 13 Votes)
  11. Firmament by Elizabeth Jill
    (Brilliant, 13 Votes)
  12. why I don’t write by Leslie Ann Eisenberg
    (Brilliant, 13 Votes)
  13. This Room by Glenn Currier
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  14. Without Sound, God is Empty by Max Bouillet
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  15. Within - Without by Kristina Woodhill
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  16. To the Enlightenment Junkies by Max Bouillet
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  17. Loneliness, my Arizona by Julie Adams
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  18. A Day Without Poetry or It Was Monday by Sandy M. Humphrey
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  19. Set Apart by Kristina Woodhill
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  20. More than Sometimes by Lori Blair
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  21. Unraveled Strands by Max Bouillet
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  22. In My Own Defence I Blame My Hotel by Anne Engelen
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  23. Doing is Not My Grain by Ashok Sharda
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  24. Poet in the Summer Forest by Julie Adams
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  25. Hanging Rope by Charles E Minshall
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  26. i rish by Elizabeth Jill
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  27. Alice Always by Kate Demeree
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  28. Barbie Dream by Holly H Dunne
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  29. Amid Sirens and Cell Phones by Chris Sorrenti
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  30. Climatic Dream Analysis by Kathleen Wilson
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  31. Aliens, Coastlines, and All the Right Things to Say by Megan Guimbellot
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  32. Eternal by Kristina Woodhill
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  33. Postcards to Edinburgh by Kristina Woodhill
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  34. goldengate by Steven Kenworthy
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  35. I Tried My Utmost - 5 by Ashok Sharda
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  36. soft sweet darkness by Glenn Currier
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  37. Fairy in White Lilies by Rula Shin
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  38. bónn journée by Elizabeth Jill
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  39. A Woman's Soul - Explicit
    by Max Bouillet
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  40. The Only Human Being in the World by Glenn Currier
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  41. Clearing out the Closet by Darren Swift
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  42. on a lower richter by Mara Meade
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  43. Be Easy, Rockstar by V. Blake
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  44. she lifts sunglasses by Mara Meade
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  45. Erasure by Jim Benz
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  46. bleeding medium point, black by Mara Meade
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  47. Aurora Marialis by Anne Engelen
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  48. Over the Rubicon by Chris Sorrenti
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  49. The Dirty Breast by Julie Adams
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  50. divide and rue by Laura Doom
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
Best Form:
  1. why by Elizabeth Jill
    (Brilliant, 22 Votes)
  2. fate is the hunter by Mara Meade
    (Brilliant, 20 Votes)
  3. iron knees by Elizabeth Jill
    (Brilliant, 17 Votes)
  4. Past Participle (or, Breaking Up with the English Teacher) by Bruce W Niedt
    (Brilliant, 17 Votes)
  5. Waiting by Chris Sorrenti
    (Brilliant, 15 Votes)
  6. Close by Leslie Ann Eisenberg
    (Brilliant, 15 Votes)
  7. (insert your name here) by Charlie Morgan
    (Brilliant, 15 Votes)
  8. Oceans run deep by Anne Engelen
    (Brilliant, 15 Votes)
  9. Lima Syndrome by Therese Elaine
    (Brilliant, 14 Votes)
  10. Are You by George Hoerner
    (Brilliant, 13 Votes)
  11. Multiple Choice by Kristina Woodhill
    (Brilliant, 13 Votes)
  12. Gargantuan Smile by JD Clay
    (Brilliant, 13 Votes)
  13. A Contempora - Explicit
    by JD Clay
    (Brilliant, 13 Votes)
  14. Loneliness, my Arizona by Julie Adams
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  15. Killing Time As A Cartographer by Anne Engelen
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  16. shannots by Elizabeth Jill
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  17. A Horse Tied to a Tree by Glenn Currier
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  18. Thus so (Autumn) by Elizabeth Jill
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  19. Within - Without by Kristina Woodhill
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  20. Pattern by Jane E Pearce
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  21. A Day Without Poetry or It Was Monday by Sandy M. Humphrey
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  22. This Room by Glenn Currier
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  23. In My Own Defence I Blame My Hotel by Anne Engelen
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  24. Set Apart by Kristina Woodhill
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  25. Loose particles by Julie Adams
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  26. The Far Side of Intentions by V. Blake
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  27. I am just a platform. by Ashok Sharda
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  28. Buzzing, while you sleep - Explicit
    by Julie Adams
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  29. More than Sometimes by Lori Blair
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  30. Doing is Not My Grain by Ashok Sharda
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  31. i rish by Elizabeth Jill
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  32. Unraveled Strands by Max Bouillet
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  33. Eternal by Kristina Woodhill
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  34. Back When I Was Stupid by Mike Loftis
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  35. The Abundance of You by Kathleen Wilson
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  36. The Lists I Kept as a Child by Lisa Marie Brodsky
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  37. Aliens, Coastlines, and All the Right Things to Say by Megan Guimbellot
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  38. Climatic Dream Analysis by Kathleen Wilson
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  39. Poet in the Summer Forest by Julie Adams
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  40. everyday horses by Elizabeth Jill
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  41. Going to the Movies with You by Glenn Currier
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  42. old folks count by Charlie Morgan
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  43. on a lower richter by Mara Meade
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  44. Kissed Anew by Julie Adams
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  45. Aurora Marialis by Anne Engelen
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  46. bleeding medium point, black by Mara Meade
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  47. Erasure by Jim Benz
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  48. Clearing out the Closet by Darren Swift
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  49. So We Could Do Whatever We Want by Aaron Blair
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  50. an hour on earth by Gabriel Ricard
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)

Most Vivid Imagery:

  1. Isolation by Alison McKenzie
    (Brilliant, 16 Votes)
  2. Killing Time by Chris Sorrenti
    (Brilliant, 16 Votes)
  3. Night Siren by Therese Elaine
    (Brilliant, 16 Votes)
  4. Into The Light by Chris Sorrenti
    (Brilliant, 15 Votes)
  5. Glaciers by Steven Kenworthy
    (Brilliant, 15 Votes)
  6. The Gift, The Curse, The Promise by Chris Sorrenti
    (Brilliant, 15 Votes)
  7. Like Pages Torn from Gideon Bibles by V. Blake
    (Brilliant, 14 Votes)
  8. No Girls Allowed by JD Clay
    (Brilliant, 14 Votes)
  9. why I don’t write by Leslie Ann Eisenberg
    (Brilliant, 13 Votes)
  10. Gargantuan Smile by JD Clay
    (Brilliant, 13 Votes)
  11. take up your bed by Mara Meade
    (Brilliant, 13 Votes)
  12. Medicinal Purpose by Mike Loftis
    (Brilliant, 13 Votes)
  13. Firmament by Elizabeth Jill
    (Brilliant, 13 Votes)
  14. A Contempora - Explicit
    by JD Clay
    (Brilliant, 13 Votes)
  15. Loneliness, my Arizona by Julie Adams
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  16. To the Enlightenment Junkies by Max Bouillet
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  17. Full House by Kathleen Wilson
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  18. Unraveled Strands by Max Bouillet
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  19. Climatic Dream Analysis by Kathleen Wilson
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  20. Aliens, Coastlines, and All the Right Things to Say by Megan Guimbellot
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  21. For What It's Worth by Ken Harnisch
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  22. Barbie Dream by Holly H Dunne
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  23. Set Apart by Kristina Woodhill
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  24. Poet in the Summer Forest by Julie Adams
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  25. Doing is Not My Grain by Ashok Sharda
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  26. In My Own Defence I Blame My Hotel by Anne Engelen
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  27. Geography of Loneliness by Max Bouillet
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  28. A Christmas that almost never was by Dave Fitzgerald
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  29. seaskyrain by Maria Massarella
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  30. The Lists I Kept as a Child by Lisa Marie Brodsky
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  31. I hate this letter to you by Emily G Myers
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  32. Blossoming by Julie Adams
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  33. soft sweet darkness by Glenn Currier
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  34. Amazing Grace by Karl Waldbauer
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  35. You Are My Patchwork Quilt by Alex Smyth
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  36. The Dirty Breast by Julie Adams
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  37. I Tried My Utmost - 5 by Ashok Sharda
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  38. Plain Yellow Pumpkin by Alison McKenzie
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  39. trees are alive to me by Chris Sorrenti
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  40. Erasure by Jim Benz
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  41. old folks count by Charlie Morgan
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  42. TWAS THE NIGHT AFTER NEW YEARS by Charles E Minshall
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  43. an hour on earth by Gabriel Ricard
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  44. Guerillas In Our Midst by Chris Sorrenti
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  45. Fairy in White Lilies by Rula Shin
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  46. she lifts sunglasses by Mara Meade
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  47. The Trouble With Frogs by Jim Benz
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  48. Clearing out the Closet by Darren Swift
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  49. Aurora Marialis by Anne Engelen
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  50. Give Me Back Myself by Rusty C Arquette
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)

Best Overall:

  1. why by Elizabeth Jill
    (Brilliant, 22 Votes)
  2. iron knees by Elizabeth Jill
    (Brilliant, 17 Votes)
  3. Killing Time by Chris Sorrenti
    (Brilliant, 16 Votes)
  4. Isolation by Alison McKenzie
    (Brilliant, 16 Votes)
  5. for my daughter, on Mother's Day by Michele Schottelkorb
    (Brilliant, 15 Votes)
  6. (insert your name here) by Charlie Morgan
    (Brilliant, 15 Votes)
  7. Glaciers by Steven Kenworthy
    (Brilliant, 15 Votes)
  8. Waiting by Chris Sorrenti
    (Brilliant, 15 Votes)
  9. Close by Leslie Ann Eisenberg
    (Brilliant, 15 Votes)
  10. Please continue with yourself... by Elizabeth Jill
    (Brilliant, 15 Votes)
  11. Into The Light by Chris Sorrenti
    (Brilliant, 15 Votes)
  12. On Borrowed Time by Chris Sorrenti
    (Brilliant, 14 Votes)
  13. Like Pages Torn from Gideon Bibles by V. Blake
    (Brilliant, 14 Votes)
  14. Firmament by Elizabeth Jill
    (Brilliant, 13 Votes)
  15. Are You by George Hoerner
    (Brilliant, 13 Votes)
  16. Multiple Choice by Kristina Woodhill
    (Brilliant, 13 Votes)
  17. why I don’t write by Leslie Ann Eisenberg
    (Brilliant, 13 Votes)
  18. Follow Me into the Dissonance by V. Blake
    (Brilliant, 13 Votes)
  19. Gargantuan Smile by JD Clay
    (Brilliant, 13 Votes)
  20. This Room by Glenn Currier
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  21. Full House by Kathleen Wilson
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  22. Loneliness, my Arizona by Julie Adams
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  23. shannots by Elizabeth Jill
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  24. Within - Without by Kristina Woodhill
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  25. Thus so (Autumn) by Elizabeth Jill
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  26. Peculiar Fire by Ken Harnisch
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  27. A Day Without Poetry or It Was Monday by Sandy M. Humphrey
    (Brilliant, 12 Votes)
  28. The Far Side of Intentions by V. Blake
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  29. Doing is Not My Grain by Ashok Sharda
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  30. - Folding Teeshirts - by Glenn Currier
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  31. i rish by Elizabeth Jill
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  32. goldengate by Steven Kenworthy
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  33. I am just a platform. by Ashok Sharda
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  34. I Mourn The Atheist Soul by Mike Loftis
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  35. Poet in the Summer Forest by Julie Adams
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  36. Loose particles by Julie Adams
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  37. Aliens, Coastlines, and All the Right Things to Say by Megan Guimbellot
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  38. A Christmas that almost never was by Dave Fitzgerald
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  39. Unraveled Strands by Max Bouillet
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  40. Postcards to Edinburgh by Kristina Woodhill
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  41. Climatic Dream Analysis by Kathleen Wilson
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  42. A Catchy Title Would Make You Want to Read This Poem by Bruce W Niedt
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  43. Set Apart by Kristina Woodhill
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  44. For What It's Worth by Ken Harnisch
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  45. Eternal by Kristina Woodhill
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  46. In My Own Defence I Blame My Hotel by Anne Engelen
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  47. More than Sometimes by Lori Blair
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  48. seaskyrain by Maria Massarella
    (Brilliant, 11 Votes)
  49. an hour on earth by Gabriel Ricard
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)
  50. Aurora Marialis by Anne Engelen
    (Brilliant, 10 Votes)

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