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by George Hoerner

We all have that place
Maybe not a place
Maybe more of an attitude
That somehow allows us
To survive what feels like
A disjoint condition
In the immediate reality
Or lack there of
What we are experiencing

When someone says “no”
And we expected
Anything but “no”
Anything except nothing
When you know she heard

That feeling
Settles over you a chill
Starts somewhere in
The lower back and
Creeps oh so quickly
Up the spine

You want to disappear
Or more correctly you
Wish to be non-existent
For to exist is to feel and
You wish to feel nothing

As I did all those years ago


Posted on 11/23/2017
Copyright © 2024 George Hoerner

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 11/24/17 at 03:15 PM

Nothing's still Something. This hits hard on the personal relate-ability scale.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 11/27/17 at 03:53 PM

Really a good capture of a reaction to a serious "no." "Chill" is a great description of that internal agony.

Posted by Glenn Currier on 12/07/17 at 03:02 PM

You describe it so well. Anyone who has experienced a lack of any response from someone you reach out to will know of what you speak. It is a hollow feeling in the least. But your poem states the strong impact of this experience. Yes, the creeping chill, says it well. Thanks George. Great piece.

Posted by Rob Littler on 12/08/17 at 06:56 AM

"...an attitude
That somehow allows us
To survive what feels like
A disjoint condition
In the immediate reality...."

holding my breath on this one

Posted by Laura Doom on 04/20/18 at 10:40 PM

I guess 'no' can feel like nothing, though from the obverse perspective, it might be considered a 'cruel to be kind' response.

For some, it may be that expecting 'no' and receiving 'yes' is equally debilitating, even frightening. That aside, you've given humiliation a substance here that resembles more an entire biopic rather than a short poem, and brings 'that place' alive.

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