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by Amy Wustrin

If I was prettier
Everything I'd say would be
Wittier, more interesting

If I was skinnier
Every move I'd make would be
Mesmerizing, graceful

If I was cooler
People would let me complete a sentence
Instead of responding to what I never said

If I was calmer
I wouldn't have to work so hard
To convince a person that they've hurt me

If I was further to the left
Everything I'd think would be
More palatable, "acceptable"

If I was wealthier
No one would assume it was my due Karma
Like they do with poverty and struggle

If I was more submissive
No one would perceive it as
An unhealthy attitude, a flaw

If I played dumb
No one would feel threatened by
My opinions, my convictions

If I was the box you created
For your fellow man to occupy
You would never let me go, but I would always be empty

So yes, let's talk about bigotry
But let's skip the small talk about monuments and bits of cloth
And the history buried in the ground

Let's just set fire to this pile of boxes
That were never designed to fit people...
That's what coffins are for


Posted on 08/17/2017
Copyright © 2025 Amy Wustrin

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 08/18/17 at 01:17 PM

Excellent! I concur. Amy, you might want to remove the Explicit rating...more exposure, readers that way.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 08/20/17 at 06:32 PM

One of the best things I've read lately to describe these times we are experiencing. Well done.

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