Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 12/31/13 at 02:09 PM I think if we are patient and even if we are not, eventually everything will fall into place and click in the end, good or bad or indifferent. Of course, I could be wrong, which I am frequently. A far as passion is concerned, it has come to be expected of poets, from those who come to wean on the creative urge, who cannot locate it within themselves, which is a shame, to be so tame, to let lethargy rule the day. As far as mountains blocking our path, what is a poet but the ultimate Sissiphus, in that he is rolling mountains up hills the livelong day, only to have those mountains rolling back down the hill. And so we write, because we are passionate, because we have no choice but we are cursed to rolling mountains up hills. And so we roll them Chris, that a public could be fed of passions which they are sorely lacking in spades, which you are not cause you ain't public my brother, but poet. |