Vine Tight

by Kristina Woodhill

it's a harsh year for tomatoes,
relentless heat has stumped their timing,

stunted their advancement
to my sauce pan;

salsa feet drag step
on a scorching dirty dance floor,

end rot on the romas
shuns my anxious pasta,

limp leaves can't weave their shawl
shady enough,

vines fall all over themselves,
unable to dodge wildfire's smoke,
hell's scalding tongue

Mom's Early Girls act like old maids,
blushing madly
at gawking dragonflies,

confused by their swollen condition,
their inability to deliver the goods;

my neighbor is talking now
about frozen green tomatoes,
fried green tomatoes,
green tomato pie

blush is the new red,
al dente is the new ripe

and I without an overripe
to color my disgust
at the present stage of events


Posted on 09/07/2012
Copyright © 2024 Kristina Woodhill

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by A. Paige White on 09/07/12 at 06:26 PM

Beautifully written!!! I think my favorite is, "limp leaves can't weave their shawl shady enough" poor vines need a pair of shawls and parasols for poor Kristina's parasauce.Absolutely devine!!! Highest marks all around and my pick for POTD. Doggone deer got my tomatoes again yesterday. Made me madder than a hornet, too. Mine were growing just fine in spite of all the odds til munch munch munch.... they did leave me one little bitty one. One.

Posted by Gregory O'Neill on 09/07/12 at 07:01 PM

It's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato, but my oh my, you have a travesty on you hands. Great poetics though!

Posted by George Hoerner on 09/08/12 at 12:33 AM

Very nice Kristina! I think after this summer my wife may have just about given up tomatoes.

Posted by Christel Crews on 09/09/12 at 03:13 AM

well, i am not a gardener, but i feel your frustration! what a beautiful expression and explanation of the travesty you have on your hands!

Posted by Alison McKenzie on 09/09/12 at 11:04 AM

Genius, pure genius. I wish it was a parody and not the stark truth of things and things to come. I especially love how you marry the tomatoes and the pasta, both anxious longing for a healthy "relationship".

Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 09/11/12 at 11:29 AM

wonderful and delightful and funny, this ode which waxes philosophic about things which we are not seeming to have the time to ripen on their vine.

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 09/12/12 at 02:31 PM

Timely capture of the drout that has no doubt affected much of eastern North America, including here in Ontario, Canada. Food prices have begun to soar as a result. Dawn used to grow tomatoes when she lived with me, and so I am left wondering how hers would have faired under these conditions, that you so excellently describe. As always, brilliant combination of humanity and nature.

Posted by Joan Serratelli on 09/12/12 at 06:22 PM

Tomatoes are the ONLY thing I've ever grown with any success. Growing anything is timimg. It's all about timing- your timimg is impeccable as always.

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