

by Alison McKenzie

Seasons pass,
The Gaia that I once knew
Shimmers into the next dimensions.

The surface remains,
The forms of all that humankind
Has molded from the elements.

Internally, my heart feels the stirrings
Of new beginnings,
That awkward transition
From solid to vapor.

My stomach flutters
In response,
Excited to greet
An unwavering future.

I float just under 5th dimension waves,
Anchored to Gaia’s destination
By intent.

One future fades
As I cut the cords;
Another gently
Holds the portal open.


Posted on 11/12/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Shannon McEwen on 11/12/11 at 04:38 PM

this is beautiful Allison, I especially love S3.

Posted by Glenn Currier on 11/12/11 at 05:03 PM

Ah! I am such a sucker for transition poems and I love the way you express the process in this beautiful piece. So much to cherish here, but a couple of my favorite lins: "That awkward transition / From solid to vapor." I fall into your vaporpoem, let it envelop me, and ascend with it. Thanks, Ali.

Posted by Sarah Wolf on 11/12/11 at 05:05 PM

Very elegant and graceful, I like it :)

Posted by Clara Mae Gregory on 11/15/11 at 09:31 PM

Elegant is a good word to describe this. I find the work very appealing and palatable.Thanks, Ali, I enjoyed reading this. :)

Posted by Morgan D Hafele on 11/15/11 at 09:31 PM

it's almost like the infinite possibilities of the universe are contained within that last stanza.

Posted by Erin Eymard on 11/18/11 at 03:28 PM

Ali, I've been absent from the site for a while and logged on today and was greeted by your delightful poem almost holding the portal open for me to return. I've always loved your work and once again, you don't disappoint.

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 11/27/11 at 03:16 PM

I like how this applies to you as an individual, but can also be taken as universal to all mankind.

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