hitch hikers

by Kristina Woodhill

i put out my thumb
to the white stretch limo
that passed us by this afternoon

there at the corner
of the fish hatchery
and some giddy
couple's intersection

the classy chauffeur
in the classy brimmed cap
drove firmly on as we gawked

i should have removed my glove
and made my thumb more visible;
too many clothes on this day's

or maybe both hands
and both thumbs
but the cold was cold

and my family firmly
redirected my spontaneous
grinning notion

later I will take a photo
of the two toilet roll tubes
standing side by side
on our bathroom counter

they will go to recycle
their unposed existence
reflected in a flat mirror

quite the couple;
I have named them
mr. and mrs. roll

one is completely clean
of paper -

the other still holds white strips
and bits
a hand in a hurry
a mind already on
its next meal

picture them there,
the perfect pair

waiting for the man
in the classy brimmed cap


Author's Note: atypical day in the country

Posted on 12/01/2009
Copyright © 2024 Kristina Woodhill

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 12/01/09 at 05:21 PM

...k-gal, i love this, so jaunty with wiles of the world and simplicity of family firmly changing a direction of something or other and the thumbed glove and thennnn the two rolls, ah Mr. and Mrs. loved your descriptions hahaha, and loved the whole treatise. cool.

Posted by George Hoerner on 12/01/09 at 06:09 PM

How many can afford limos in today's world? But I recall as a child seeing them and wondering who these important people were and where they might be going. Nice write lady.

Posted by Jo Halliday on 12/01/09 at 07:33 PM


Posted by V. Blake on 12/01/09 at 09:57 PM

I like how you've managed to make things that are so inherently unimaginive sound creative and amusing here. "The cold was cold" and "I've named them Mr. and Mrs. Roll." This was a fun read--thanks!

Posted by Gregory O'Neill on 12/02/09 at 07:42 PM

It makes the mind curious...that's a great thing to do. Delighted. Thanks.

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 12/18/09 at 05:08 AM

Zany, entertaining story poem Kristina. Surreal...almost like a Dali painting. Thanks also for your comment on my latest.

Posted by Glenn Currier on 12/26/09 at 05:16 PM

Smiling broadly and marveling at the way you clothe simple things with word-decorations to once again make me glad a marvelous poet stopped to pay attention to the ordinary and transform it. Delightful read - thanks Kristina.

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 01/02/10 at 03:04 AM

LOL!! A humorous take on a cold winter's day--contrast of classy chauffeur and empty toilet rolls very funny! Striking satire!

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