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Soft Morning

by Sandy M. Humphrey

I long for a soft morning
Comforted down duvets
Atop Egyptian mattresses
Memory foam pillow tops
Supporting every inch
Of a frame curled in
Quiet repose from head
To the tips of stretched
And painted toes

Sunshine barely breaking
Through a part in silken
Drapes and birds chirping
Quietly as dogs wagtails
Silently curled up near
Awaiting my awakening
Just as you might be
Stirring gently next
To me drifting closer
Lingering longer
Looking for comfort
Of a spooning softer
Side to morning
Just now dawning


Posted on 05/20/2009
Copyright © 2024 Sandy M. Humphrey

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Elizabeth Jill on 05/20/09 at 04:22 PM

The first peek of this morning brings me to this. Imagine...

Posted by Elizabeth Jill on 05/20/09 at 04:29 PM

...just imagine pouring beauty and comfort onto the path of this tired desert lizard, who is crawling through a mirage to find it

Posted by Kris Mara on 05/21/09 at 12:23 PM

sounds wonderful...you capture the essence so well...I'm wishing to go back home and climb back under those covers now!

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 05/23/09 at 07:12 PM

Quite comforting Sandy, from head to painted toes of this poem. Thd dogs part fondly reminds me of our two cats, and how they too wait anxiously for our awakening in the morning to get their own day under way.

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 05/23/09 at 07:38 PM

Ahhhh! Sleeping in with the knowledge that there is nothing pressing to get up for! And with someone next to one who feels the same! (It worked for a few weeks for me when I retired! Except I slept alone!)

Posted by Gregory O'Neill on 05/23/09 at 07:50 PM

Beautiful Sandy; upon the angel wings of those mornings I could happily dwell all the day in the uttermost parts of life's peace. Thanks for this.

Posted by Glenn Currier on 10/06/09 at 05:23 AM

Ah! Your poem is comfort food to the heart and is the perfect final taste before I head for MY bed. I don't think a guy can sink into and become one with a bed like a woman, but I sure am gonna try now. Thanks.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 10/14/12 at 04:29 PM

I can't believe I missed this its first time around. The flow and lyrical feeling to this is marvelous. Congrats on POTD!

Posted by Bertram Sparagmos on 10/14/12 at 04:29 PM

The most astounding aspect of this poem is that it so accurately conveys the sensation of comfort. I feel as if I am laying.

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