
Plain Yellow Pumpkin

by Alison McKenzie

Here is the cold, hard rub
Of what's going on here -
The prince is never coming.

So, go on now -
Grieve the virgin hours of
Perky breasts and scar-less skin
And be done.

There will be no chariot coming for you, missy;
No woven gown of fairy dust's whim.
We're sorry for any inconvenience
Your little girl dream may have caused you.

But as gesture of condolence
He's sent his younger brother
On a moped
Hoping that this will adequately compensate
For fairy dreams and happily-ever-afters
Gone awry.

P.S. - Your funny, "wicked" step-sisters
Have paid for your belly-dancing lessons,
It's a birthday gift like no other -
So don't worry, be happy
And dance without the gown.


Author's Note: Yep. A murky commentary inspired by Norm Milliken's ceaseless fairy-tale musings and my own silly, dead Dream. P.S. - The part about my step sisters paying for belly dancing lessons is true. YIKES!!!! Amazing!!!

Posted on 10/12/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by A. Paige White on 10/12/07 at 06:02 PM

ROFLOL! You are just too much girl! So did you take the lessons? Sounds like fun!!! ;-P~

Posted by A. Paige White on 10/12/07 at 06:04 PM

p.s. my pick for potd, btw! LOVE IT!

Posted by Michelle Angelini on 10/14/07 at 10:36 PM

Thanks for a wonderfully comic look at dead dreams and lost princes. Sigh...when will they ever learn?

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 10/16/07 at 03:01 AM

I love every delicious word of this updated Cinderella. The title carries such meaning - perfect. From chariot to moped I am laughing out loud. Thanks for this!

Posted by Jean Mollett on 10/16/07 at 03:06 AM

Hi Alison, Great write, fun read, girls can always dream. Can't they? :)

Posted by Charles E Minshall on 10/16/07 at 03:39 PM

Funtastic Ali....Charlie

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 10/18/07 at 04:36 PM

Excellent work Alison. Congrats on hitting number 1. Well deserved! And great to read you again. :o)

Posted by Maria Kintner on 10/18/07 at 09:03 PM

Haha!! Well stated!

Posted by Kathleen Wilson on 10/19/07 at 07:16 PM

I LOVE this poem, it is such a witty, and poetic response and an honor to Norm's wondrous verses too. Very amusing-- the bellydance insert!! And funny as well-- in that your sisters did the bellydance trick on you and.. my daughter threatened to do it on me--until--I did it myself... enrolled and now I LOVE it! Plus you get to wear the BEST gowns all sparkly and jingly--one of the best perks--you have an excuse to dress like that. Dance with gown and without--you'll outdo those sisters anytime... With both poesy and pose!

Posted by Richard Vince on 10/19/07 at 09:42 PM

who wants a dream when they can have a real person? seriously though, you've said what i often try to far more wittily than i ever could. perhaps it's because i usually write from the opposite end? for all my ramblings, all i was trying to say was: great stuff. thank you. :)

Posted by Elizabeth Jill on 10/20/07 at 03:04 PM

I've never seen the Truth written so adorably!

Posted by Ken Harnisch on 10/23/07 at 12:12 PM

Lol funny...humor which masks the melancholy is and always has been my favorite..this is amazing stuff, Alison and my hope is you became Cinderella of the belly-dancing kingdom when they changed your pumpkin into a coach

Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 11/09/07 at 12:36 PM

Who needs the Prince, when you have this poem faring you off to reverie? Who needs the Prince, who can't distinguish shoe sizes from the size of his head upon which he is soon to receive a crown. However, I crown this poem, charming as a Prince ne'er could be.

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 06/09/08 at 10:21 PM

...kathabela said witty and i agree, this is all-over cute, heavy, funny, and all points in between, got a good descrip of allllll kidstoteens dreams that do have a taint to them ahhh, such a lovely frolic into the kingdom of Never Will Be...a tall pome ali...charlie

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