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August Snow

by Chris Sorrenti

timeless memories
of innocence
lost in the rush to mature
winters and summers
long forgotten
then I see us together
dressed in matrimonial snow
in the heat of August
and we are innocent once again

© 1979

1,800 hits as of June 2024


Posted on 02/13/2007
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 02/13/07 at 03:42 PM

Beautiful, quiet, and a wonderful image. I really like it, man.

Posted by Joan Serratelli on 02/13/07 at 04:28 PM

Short, but very vivid and beautiful. Excellent write.

Posted by Kyle Anne Kish on 02/13/07 at 05:45 PM

Chris, this is a beautiful poem with a touch of sentimentality and a touch of sadness. I feel it right down in my bones.

Posted by Gregory O'Neill on 02/13/07 at 06:48 PM

Hi Chris. Vivid images! The whiteness is chilling, and clear. Excellent. Thanks.

Posted by A. Paige White on 02/14/07 at 03:03 AM

I love the "timeless" paired with the seasonal descriptions. August snow of innocence... beautiful.

Posted by Christel Crews on 02/14/07 at 03:17 AM

such a beautiful scene you've painted here... "lost in the rush to mature" ... wow, such a powerful line!!!

Posted by Alisa Js on 02/14/07 at 09:09 AM

thank you for giving us that vision of loveliness... aloha..;-)

Posted by Sandy M. Humphrey on 02/14/07 at 03:52 PM

memories captured in time will bring us back, vivid imagery and excellent write. smh

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 02/14/07 at 04:23 PM

I love all of this, but especially "dressed in matrimonial snow"!!! Thank you for this gem that marries the past with the present.

Posted by Maureen Glaude on 02/15/07 at 12:55 AM

a very memorable poem, and a very special tribute to that moment of the past. Lovely.

Posted by Katerina T Nix on 02/15/07 at 09:39 PM

You've always seemed pretty innocent to me, buddy! ;) Seriously though, great read, Chris. I really enjoyed this piece. You come up with the most beautiful combinations of words. Well done -Kat :)

Posted by Rachelle Howe on 02/16/07 at 07:22 PM

serene. very fluid. :)

Posted by Kathleen Wilson on 02/18/07 at 05:34 AM

The power of return to that innocence is what makes the poem extremely moving. Not a memory but a revival. This is powerful communicated in few words. "Matrimonial snow" is perfect.

Posted by Kathleen Wilson on 02/18/07 at 05:36 AM

The season aspects of this are stunning, especially the unlikelihood, the incongruence of snow/heat of August

Posted by Laura Doom on 02/18/07 at 01:09 PM

Good, 'clean' stuff Chris - I like the idea of splitting 'forgotton/mislaid' and 'live' memories with the delayed introduction of the personal prounoun, and this...
"timeless memories of innocence lost..."
which, though contradictory by inference, is a plausible representation of our social/emotional evolution.
I guess I'm trying to say I enjoyed :>

Posted by Michelle Angelini on 04/03/07 at 03:35 AM

So beautiful! The paradox of heat and snow together is just incredible. Here where there's no snow, the imagery of this is romantic and brings back memories of those days when I knew so little and wanted to know so much. Didn't we all?

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