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city lights.

by Andrew S Adams

on electric streets
marquees light up,
red lit tail lights
write poems on the air-
movements through a
crisp autumn night

these streets are alive with
city lights;

busses moan,
passengers come and go
but i'm staying up all night
for every last spoken word
set against a skyline of
sharp right turns
and wrong directions

every one is a new story
going this way or
that way
but who's to say
which way is right
and what would be left
by going the wrong way tonight?

the implications are slight
in these city streets when
one can turn back round
undo or repeat whatever
choice they've made
the winds record it all-

on electric streets-
marquees light up
red tail lights write
poems on the air-
through a crisp autumn night.


Posted on 09/10/2006
Copyright © 2024 Andrew S Adams

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Mark Maxey on 11/17/06 at 08:26 PM

great use of imagery....really felt I was there....I also enjoyed the flow...it seemed to read as one would observe the elements around them...good job!

Posted by Elizabeth Seago on 12/05/06 at 01:57 AM

"every one is a new story/ going this way or/ that way/ but who's to say/ which way is right/ and what would be left/ by going the wrong way tonight?" This stanza is nothing short of brilliant. Great work!

Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 12/23/06 at 10:58 AM

what is occuring in this poem is esquisite and eggs the curiousity in the reader to pursue futher down the line, toward fascinating rhythms of city lights and electric.

Posted by Kyle Anne Kish on 06/07/07 at 03:16 PM

Andrew, I felt I was right there with you on the city streets. Your imagery and flow in this poem is beautifully done. The third stanza is my favorite. That's where you reeled me in.

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