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by JD Clay


Bought a canvas tied to an urge

Stretched it over her naked frame


Titter bristling on a camel’s hair

Savoring the eulogy of innocence


Flesh tones mute her esprit and chaste

Sprawled non-chalant on the chaise


Temptation stalks my jaded brush

Those emerald eyes the coup de grace









Author's Note: This poem was taken from the same notes as 'Temporality'.

Posted on 06/02/2006
Copyright © 2024 JD Clay

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 06/02/06 at 03:07 AM

Pure poetic genius, made all the more appreciable, in that you keep us on the edge of our seats for your next posting. Kudos jadi!

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 06/02/06 at 04:01 AM

Brilliant words and phrases...

Posted by Mary Ellen Smith on 06/02/06 at 04:43 PM

this is just lusious....can almost touch it.

Posted by Robert Cameron Hazelton on 06/03/06 at 02:40 AM

Hey JD, really enjoyed this one. Great word choice and imagery! The ending is killer (pun intended). Take care, Bob

Posted by Leslie Ann Eisenberg on 06/04/06 at 05:28 AM

the title, and the repeated sibilance in some of your lines is like jagged glass. love Titter bristling and Temptation stalks my jaded brush. i fondly remember the use of "vagary" in "temporality." there is even more turbulence beneath the surface here than perhaps foreshadowed in your prior poem, if they were taken to be part of a series, or studies....the juxtaposition of overwrought painter and insouciant subject is vividly painted here. beautifully done, and quite memorable. PK

Posted by Elizabeth Jill on 06/04/06 at 02:59 PM

"You paint the colours of life, Maestro. One can breathe it in each stroke. " — Maria Massarella
She spake it best, and all above are true...
I am but a pallette — awaiting the next poem, incredible, from you.
Posted by Rusty C Arquette on 06/04/06 at 04:19 PM

I'll add my 'Bravo' to the above commentary JD...you always hit the mark! - RCat

Posted by Graeme Fielden on 06/06/06 at 03:19 PM

you paint between the brush strokes, brother jadi. there's more said in the un-said... way cool.

Posted by Michael Faraday on 06/06/06 at 11:58 PM

excellent jd

Posted by Charles E Minshall on 06/10/06 at 04:36 AM

Your poem is the coup de grace Jadi....Charlie

Posted by David R Spellman on 06/18/06 at 08:55 PM

And another superb painting added to a wonderful gallery of the artiste!

Posted by Jared Fladeland on 07/04/06 at 04:25 AM

smooth like jazz

Posted by Ulyss Rubey on 07/14/06 at 07:44 PM

Great investment in canvas, and another one of your cheap rhyming tricks because you couldn't find the right domestic words. ;) You have painted another perfect picture.

Posted by Alisa Js on 12/18/06 at 10:14 PM

you are an artist, of pen and brush, love the beautiful imagery evoked here on the canvas of our minds as we stop by to enjoy...;-)

Posted by Michelle Angelini on 03/06/07 at 05:09 AM

Blissfully sensual, and if seen in just the right light, captivating.

Posted by Kathleen Wilson on 03/31/07 at 06:46 PM

Wow, I am so glad to have come upon this poem! (The other (Temporality) is good too... and what a demonstration artistically with the two... of what notes can lead to...)It's amazing, in balance and succinct, expressive word painting. The use of "titter" is exquisite, and "jaded" couldn't be more personal. Gives the feeling of an old master.

Posted by Allison Smith on 08/08/09 at 12:25 PM

Luscious indeed!

Posted by Glenn Currier on 01/14/10 at 03:11 PM

Suddenly I am a painter on an upper flat on the left bank looking out at the Seine momentarily distracted from the subject beneath my brush full of thought. Thanks for transporting me yet again, jadi.

Posted by Ronald A Pavellas on 11/27/11 at 06:03 AM

So good...

Posted by John Herzog on 12/19/17 at 07:54 PM

This is one of those poems that stays with you. I'm glad I found this.

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