
October 1582 * Stardust Ink

by Alex Smyth

Wanderlust must be sore felt
The most by those whose perch
Afflicts with view of heav'ns expanse;
Denies the right of search.

What if in span of toil and rote
Occurred emancipation?
A repr'eve hereto forbid
This bonded congregation?

Loosed from shackles old as time,
Freed from staid persistence.
Unbound to roam with swoops and soars
The reaches of existence!

I'm bles'sed more than ere could earn
Still envy bids me think~
"To be the hand with cosmic pen
Strikes time with stardust ink..."


Author's Note: In 1582 AD Pope Gregory XIII removed 10 days from October, instituting the Gregorian calendar.
Those who closed their eyes Oct 4, awoke Oct 15.
***What cosmic party must have transpired during those mystical 10 days occuring at the stroke of midnight!***
*** What thoughts of great magnitude the mortal who in the flourish of a pen rippled the continuum of time!***

Posted on 06/09/2003
Copyright © 2024 Alex Smyth

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kate Demeree on 06/11/03 at 01:59 PM

You know this really made me think.... how man can be so bold as to change his stars. This can be read in so many ways, even to becoming it's mirrored twin. Great Work!!!!!

Posted by Glenn Currier on 06/11/03 at 03:01 PM

Fascinating and creative poem. Your words strike an etherial, eternal chord. I wonder if those who sinned in those lost days would not have to spend that time in purgatory on their trip to visit Gregory.

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 06/11/03 at 05:54 PM

Catch the spirit of the historical event splendidly. I wonder if it was piety or arrogance that motivated the change? Really excellent writing.

Posted by Mara Meade on 06/12/03 at 12:16 PM

Mara sits with her jaw hanging down.... how do you know this stuff and my, how you DO take an event and paint it perfectly! Awesome stuff, Smyth!

Posted by Ken Harnisch on 06/13/03 at 02:52 PM

amazingly rendered...one of the purest acts of creativity I've read here!

Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 06/14/03 at 01:25 PM

your words emancipated of any that would ground, shackle their natural inkling to flight and o'er our span pour down magnificently ponderous.

Posted by Graeme Fielden on 06/27/03 at 09:24 AM

A fantastic POTD! - Congratulations Alex :)

Posted by Mara Meade on 06/27/03 at 12:19 PM

WooHoo! You got POTteD! Absolutely deserved!

Posted by David R Spellman on 06/27/03 at 01:15 PM

Though certainly pertinent to the historical facts related in your note this is a timeless piece relevant for any soul bound to day-to-day pursuits but hoping for the release to roam free from those shackles. Excellently done and a great choice for POTD - congrats!

Posted by Charles E Minshall on 06/27/03 at 09:23 PM

Congratulations for poem of the day. Excellent poem Alex

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 06/28/03 at 12:01 AM

Congratulations on POTD!

Posted by Stephanie Kent on 07/02/03 at 10:01 PM

This is wonderful...what a neat topic.

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 07/03/03 at 07:48 PM

Really enjoyed the use of archaic/Shakespearean English here. A truly thought provoking piece. Thanks also for the Author's Note. One for the 'you learn something new everyday' file.

Posted by Max Bouillet on 07/14/03 at 03:43 PM

Brilliant concept to write about.... memorable.

Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 06/16/04 at 05:10 PM

if only Gregorio had made sacrificial, days in a severer month, he would have emancepated chill from bones. However reading this warms the cockles.

Posted by Elizabeth Jill on 12/16/05 at 05:37 PM

::: where has your poetry been all of my life??? ::: I am blessedly clinched! ::: top of my favorites ::: hurry up and write more!!! —JiLL

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