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by JD Clay




I saw a crab inside a shell, holding a pebble to its ear; listening to the land.




I currently am tapped into Moby ~ 18


Posted on 12/02/2002
Copyright © 2024 JD Clay

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kristine Briese on 12/02/02 at 10:23 PM

Can I climb into your head and look around? I need a new perspective.

Posted by Anne Engelen on 12/02/02 at 11:45 PM

a wonderful twisted brain you have there!!

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 12/03/02 at 01:30 AM

Why not? Now I wonder what he hears? Your "take off" on "holding a shell to the ear to hear the sea" is quite creative!

Posted by Christina Bruno on 12/03/02 at 02:47 AM

Very intresting...

Posted by Mara Meade on 12/03/02 at 02:44 PM

First take: funny! Second take: have you read Rumi? Or Idries Shah? You hit pretty close with this one...! MARVELOUS, dahlink!

Posted by Richard D Frederick on 12/04/02 at 01:04 AM

amazing. outstanding... just...well-done. i always was a fan of the hard-hitting simplicity of those one-line poems that are rarely done as well as this.

Posted by Rommel Cruz on 12/05/02 at 03:37 AM

your one-liners can really give me a good laugh. =)

Posted by Charles E Minshall on 12/05/02 at 06:08 AM

I like the look in the other side of the mirror with this one liner.....Fun!!!Charlie

Posted by Glenn Currier on 12/07/02 at 04:43 AM

Every time I read your philosophy I think... damn! how did he think of that??? I am with Mara Meade... you remind me of Rumi... whirling about this virtual space in your cowboy boots... You are awesome, jadi.

Posted by Charles E Minshall on 12/03/03 at 01:15 AM

I had forgotten this one Jadi. Took me by surprise. Still hilarious...Charlie

Posted by Rula Shin on 04/14/04 at 04:55 PM

Damn good stuff Jadi...damn good...

Posted by Wendy Geal on 06/24/04 at 02:17 PM

amazing one-liner

Posted by Jersey D Gibson on 11/23/05 at 08:09 AM

You should make some of these into bumper stickers...

yer pal


Posted by Elizabeth Jill on 04/23/06 at 04:09 AM

WOWIE ZOWIE! —you are a fortune of Wonder! No wonder people are crazy about you! :D :D :D —Jill

Posted by Tony Whitaker on 01/05/07 at 02:30 PM

What color is the sky in your world???

Posted by Maria Massarella on 01/28/08 at 04:07 PM

This oneliner of yours floated into my vision today and on closing my eyes to listen, mine became a 'sentire' (where sentire is the Italian for: to hear, listen, feel, touch) where I experience the mystery of spiraling sea-shell whirl me to groundedness while 'in contemporanea' am one with sky, wonderfilled being of light breathing light ... 'Sento' I feel, as at home in your words as I do in the universe. Maestro, your words and poetry have walked in me-with me on my path - their essence has guided me like a signpost, to the me I am ... gratitudefilled *m.a

Posted by Maria Massarella on 01/28/08 at 04:12 PM

notes: I said 'have walked' ... and yet they 'walk' ... for they speak and fill me with the familiar, the timelessness and the new ...

Posted by A. Paige White on 03/01/09 at 02:56 AM

This is where I need to camp out a while. Jadi's library. Jill's post sent me here from the forum. Sigh. I guess the forum is worth putting up with if it points you to treasures like this. Wonderful is by far not a good enough adjective for this short JDism. Love it!

Posted by Ava Blu on 03/02/09 at 09:52 PM

I'm glad a link to this was in one of the forum threads. This is terrific.

Posted by Linda Fuller on 09/01/11 at 10:35 AM

Very cool.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 09/01/11 at 03:54 PM

Ah, good to read a Clay classic again. Thanks! and congrats!

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