
An Honest Cup of Coffee

by Ken Harnisch

Croissant crumbs and coffee cups on the dashboard

Rings in the vinyl, like rings of age

In trees, testifying to the persistence

Of the road, and the quest for a Starbuck’s

Or even a Greasy Spoon

That can do their coffee right


Seems I have traveled the globe

In search of that perfect cup

Which, mixed with one sugar and two creams

Becomes just another “regular” in my estimation.

But, the time to sample something exotic,

French Mocha Chocolate or some-such

Is beyond me. It strains my budget for one thing;

And the thought of sipping foam-filled froth

At such expense is troubling

And a little bit absurd.


The interstates blur, the numbers look the same;

All end with some variation on the number 95

They have Popeye’s Chicken and Pizza Hut making coffee now,

And even serving Hazelnut. It’s enough to make you wonder

If anyone is making an honest cup of coffee anymore.

But I wondered that about love, once, too

When I was on a different kind of road.


Author's Note: Written after another lovely bout with Eye-95, NYC to Baltimore and back

Posted on 11/11/2002
Copyright © 2024 Ken Harnisch

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Anne Howe on 11/12/02 at 06:34 AM

simple thoughts noted with panache, definitely cream and just a little froth and an ending which wistfully lingers there :)

Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 11/12/02 at 09:26 PM

as a recent traveler on that very road, I see why one could ponder the dissapointment of such a frothy cup and yearn it filled to the honest brim.

Posted by Charles E Minshall on 11/15/02 at 06:18 AM

I had to get up and get a cup before I finished this one. I think my blood must be fifty percent coffee. Good poem Ken....Charlie

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 11/15/02 at 05:25 PM

I hear ya brother. Like the old saying goes, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." Give me a plain simple cup of Colombian any day!

Posted by Agnes Eva on 06/02/03 at 05:23 PM

haha, yes what is it about the #95 in highway naming... a nice tribute to the cup of joe, a quest for the real, non frilled up basic thing, in love too. nice parallel.

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