Chris Sorrenti's Friends List
The following is a list of my friends here on Click on their names check out their libraries and poetry.
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to see who has me listed on their friends list.
Michelle Angelini
Kimberly Bare
Ginette T Belle
Lori Blair
Anne Boulender
JD Clay
Quentin S Clingerman
Don Coffman
J. P. Davies
Kate Demeree
Laura Doom
Therese Elaine
Anne Engelen
Ben Evans
Graeme Fielden
Linda Fuller
Quinlan L Gibson
Maureen Glaude
Sarah Graves
Clara Mae Gregory
Morgan D Hafele
Ken Harnisch
George Hoerner
Anne Howe
Rachelle Howe
Sandy M. Humphrey
JJ Johnson
Rhiannon Jones
Maria Massarella
Don Matley
Alison McKenzie
Mara Meade
Charles E Minshall
Fredrich Mohre
Jean Mollett
Bruce W Niedt
Katerina T Nix
Gregory O'Neill
Ronald A Pavellas
Veronica Phoenics
Marjorie Anne Reagan
Gabriel Ricard
Gavin M Roy
Ulyss Rubey
Michele Schottelkorb
Joan Serratelli
Elizabeth Shaw
Chris Sorrenti
Wendy Sparling
David R Spellman
Gail Wolper
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