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A Doctor Consults His Patient - Addendum

by Chris Sorrenti

A few days after the phone conversation with my doctor, I recalled an educational piece that another poet and mentor of mine had written, and passed around at one of the many workshops we participated in, back in the early ‘90s. I dug it up, and e-mailed it to Lorne. Have yet to hear back from him.

A Suggested Guide / Standard to Writing Poetry

by Marty Flomen


 does it reasonably communicate
 does it avoid esoteric references / contrivances / deceptiveness
 is it unfettered / uncluttered (unmuddied waters)


 does it express something ‘worthy’
 does it expand the reader - challenge sensibilities
 is it fresh
 is it tangy
 does it have unpretentious uniqueness


 does it say exactly what it is supposed to say
 is the poet in total control ie: does it express exactly
 does it avoid unnecessary sidetrips
 is every word the most effective
 is it complete
 is it based unabashedly on the poet’s experience


 does it work on a ‘what you see is what you get’ basis
 does it transcend to a symbolic / metaphoric level
 does the leveling come naturally
 does it have at least a major ‘freshness’


 is it appropriately rhythmic / poetic
 does it have a clear sense of drama
 does it avoid unnecessary preaching
 does it reverberate in a desired direction
 is it primarily emotive and sensory
 does it engage all the senses / imagination / intuition

© 2021

570 hits as of August 2024


Posted on 10/06/2021
Copyright © 2025 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 10/08/21 at 03:26 PM

Chris, thanks for this. Our Zoom poetry group has been trying to do more real time critiquing, finding forms and analysis like this to help guide us. I will add this to our lists.

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