Snowbirds flying across Canada
A taste of the old reality
No more going south for now
Where the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds
Are doing the same
Raising morale
The only way they know how
Some would complain
They should shed their planes
Join in the real war
And do what?
Don PPE scrubs
Head down to their local hospitals
Retirement homes
Dig in to the carnage
Or better how can we watch them
When stuck inside
No going downtown for now
A good point
As if you haven’t seen them
Enough already
Stick your head out the door or window
If you hear them flying by
Month two
Tempers are wearing thin
Mental health suffering
Perhaps a little taste of the old reality
Reopening in stages
To remind the oppressed
What lies ahead
I like the snow geese leading the way in this one, Chris, reminding us of normal comings and goings that are put on hold for us humans, at least. It is hard to know how to help sometimes. Diversions are good, and we are learning or relearning patience, I hope.