Medical appointments in January
lined up
the proverbial ducks in a row
Back to family doctor
for a referral to dermatologist
the endless battle against cysts and skin tags
at $80 per removal
not covered by OHIP
Return to the Diabetes people
for a refresher course in self-testing
and diet
blood sugar now at 9.0
no medication needed yet
says my GP
but you’ve got to lose weight!
at least 20 pounds
despite a continual refinement of
eating habits
and exercise
Consultation with a surgeon
for a herniated navel
my 36-year-old son jokingly advising
never let a doctor named Bigelow
operate on me
though thankfully covered by OHIP
Wrapping things up
and then there’s the eyes
left often blurry
with right still in focus
some days
people’s faces unrecognizable
until up close
might be Diabetes related
so next stop
it’s off to the ophthalmologist
But for the most part I feel fine
despite a vertebra in lower back
that occasionally pops out of place
blood pressure and cholesterol
staying well within acceptable limits
Then return to Dynacare lab in April
for more blood work
to see how the sugar level’s doing
following another chest X-ray
in the same building
then back to GP for more consultation
In October
5-year renewal
of driver’s license and health card
and God only knows
what’ll happen in-between
As poet Irving Layton once lamented
“The inescapable lousiness of growing old”
I hate to say I relate, but I do. :) I can only wish you a lot of fun, interesting, inspiring things to happen in between all of these essentials of our age(ing). Sometimes I'm so thankful for glasses I can jump for joy, and magnifying head gear so I can still embroider. Simple things. Thanks, Chris.