
You All Know What I'm Talking About

by Thomas K. Hunt

I'm going to sit down and relax
I need to move my bowels, and that's a fact
What we put in must come out
You all know what I'm talking about

I need to find a throne and let it all go
I need to do this fast or say ut ohh
I just put a mental picture in your head
Excuse me while I use the head

You talk about it, and you say it's gross
It's one of the things that you do the most
It feels so nice to flush it down the drain
Take a seat and lose that cramped up pain

I'm going to sit down and relax
I'm going to move my bowels, and that's a fact
What we put in must come out
You all know what I'm talking about

When I go, it usually takes a while
If you saw me, you'd see some style
There's another picture for your mind
but that one is me this time

Think back to all your days
You've been there before
Sitting on the porcelain god
behind that bathroom door

I'm going to sit down and relax
I'm going to move my bowels, and that's a fact
What we put in must come out
You all know what I'm talking about

There's nothing like a fresh flushing out
It's just what life is all about
In with the good and out with the bad
That was one of the best dumps I've ever had

I feel so much better now that I'm through
Now I've got some filling up to do
You all know what I'm going through
You all do your own doo doos

I'm sitting down and relaxed
I'm moving my bowels, and that's a fact
What I put in is now coming out
I'm sure that's a picture you'd like to live without

You all know what I'm talking about


Author's Note: A shitty little song

Posted on 06/23/2018
Copyright © 2025 Thomas K. Hunt

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 06/23/18 at 01:42 PM

Excellent! Well put Thomas. A 'dark' subject put in a new informative light.

Posted by Glenn Currier on 06/25/18 at 10:44 AM

I giggled throughout because yes I definitely know what you're talkin about. That's why I am up so damn early this morn. To make sure this dark subject has enough time to expel before my radiation treatment for prostate cancer, not knowing when I entered into the process that my regular companion would be Milk of Magnesia. That's why your "$#%@ty little song" means so much to me and touched my funny bone. It is funny - just like the subject. It's good to laugh at the darkness sometimes, thanks for a welcomed respite, Thomas.

Posted by Brian Francis on 06/29/18 at 02:38 PM

Scat poetry. Well written. But why did I read it? I wanted to say it stinks but alas it don't I seem to like your $#%@ty ditti

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