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Horse Training with Milton Acorn

by Chris Sorrenti

one never plans to fall off his proud pony
though it happens just the same
it’s then that friendship is all so important
those you’ve supported in their own tumbles
form an unbreakable circle
and deceased spirits of that same bond
rise through it to lend a hand

days after the fall
an inner voice says play the video
the one you recorded and forgot about years before
Milton Acorn is at the reigns
dressed in three-piece suit and tennis shoes
receiving his Governor General’s Award for Poetry
he winks at you – still bruised

quickly realized your roots aren’t so different
he delivered papers – you cut grass
the wildflowers blossomed because of them
still easily connect two worlds -
a mutual distaste for war
and what it does to the spirit
chomp of cigar or cigarette far from separate
his whiskey’s effect no different from your wine

inside of an hour the tape has stopped playing
consider it a refresher on being a human being
your dark horse stands waiting - chomping at the bit
with toothy smile Milton grabs the reigns
holds him steady for you to remount

 photo Mareshorse by ChrisSorrenti 2005 b RED70.jpg

© 2003
Photo of friend’s horse, named Scotch © 2005 by author

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Author's Note: Inspired by a battle with stage-fright. Milton Acorn, another of the founding fathers of modern Canadian poetry.

Posted on 03/24/2018
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Glenn Currier on 03/25/18 at 04:18 AM

Chris, it is so cool to read of a person who is a poet who acts as a kind of model or support. I had a piano teacher when I was a kid who urged me to write poems and I did. That was the start, but most of my encouragement has come from loved ones and the people I've known on this site. Thank you, my friend for being one of those wonderful poets.

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