Latest of Long Goodbyes by Chris Sorrenti
if the experiment as a whole was successful
then each stage of our life is but a long goodbye
to our own imperfection
- author unknown
streams of light blaze once again
along soul’s ramparts
as another chapter of my life
joins so many orphaned enigmas
and though sensing a somewhat wiser self
no roman candles or drum bars
the latest experiment was a success
the angelic backers proclaim
fully documented for the boss
patting one another on the back
though the look on my face telling them
not all the participants so confident
the proof is in the primordial soup son
they assure me
the big guy doesn’t make mistakes
trial and error on the mortal level however
has never been an exact science
after eons of broken test tubes
as always we’re willing to give you
and a few of the other guinea pigs
some well deserved breaks
I say look folks
I mean you and the boss no disrespect
eternity’s a tempting proposition
especially when on the winning side
the gift of mental telepathy
though somewhat unpredictable at this point
a reassuring bonus
but did waiting for what brain cells I have left
to heal after each round have to be so painful?
sorry son
you know the cliché
no pain no gain
perfection without cost for company’s sake
has already led to one untimely disaster
long before Earth ever appeared on the map
though trust us
everything works out fine in the end
just ask a certain fallen angel
we’ll be watching from the laboratory bleachers
cheering you on as best we can
added privileges still standing with some minor fine print
you and the other guinea pigs are still on probation
© 2002
Revised © 2018
1,030 hits as of November 2024
01/17/2018 Posted on 01/17/2018 Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti