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Village Idiom

by Laurie Duncan

In a perfect storm, when you miss the boat, call it a day!
If you're under the weather, take a rain check.
Keep your head out of the clouds. Come rain or shine,
when it rains, it pours. Unless you get wind
of something or go down in flames,
no pain, no gain, still right as rain.
Break a leg, bite the bullet,
but don't get all bent out of shape.
It's not rocket science: easy does it.
Hit the sack, pull yourself together,
go back to the drawing board, stay on the ball,
don't let the cat out of the bag, hang in there,
still get it out of your system, but not out of hand.
Let's not beat around the bush,
though better late than never--
the calm before the storm, with a snowball's chance--
we'll cross that bridge when we come to it,
then burn our bridges, like a bolt out of the blue.
Cutting corners, to make a long story short,
I need to let you off the hook,
but I'm getting a second wind.
Cut me some slack, give me
the benefit of the doubt:
your guess is as good as mine.
You can say that again.


Posted on 10/30/2017
Copyright © 2025 Laurie Duncan

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 10/30/17 at 04:11 PM

Love the title...love the poem. If you're going to use cliches/euphemisms...go all the way!

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 10/30/17 at 04:11 PM

I don't think you missed one! Well done.

Posted by Brian Francis on 11/09/17 at 11:57 AM

Oh, but what a use of those words we are told we must avoid. Gathered here together like in a poem of lost words; they speak well. Loved it especially the word play title. -bf

Posted by Rob Littler on 11/17/17 at 07:14 AM

I hear a dialogue

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