
by Philip F De Pinto

Upon closer exam

Your feeble plan

Albeit it was sweet

Was to make as endearing a retreat

As would extricate you

From the colony of bones

Curved hull like

To clone far and away

From the sleeping man

Or was he slipped the Mickey?

The fullness of your own aperture

To pursue or pull away

From the nature of men's bones altogether

To compile a tome much less manly

Lest something of a softer or harder

And less binding nature intercede

As will have you speed read

Or finger crawl back

To the hell or paradisiacal chapters

Of who I am


Posted on 03/01/2017
Copyright © 2024 Philip F De Pinto

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by George Hoerner on 03/02/17 at 04:00 PM

Oh Philip, who amongst us could stand up to 'a closer exam' of our life or personality. Here on this site it may be only the gift of our poetry or attempts at such which 'holds' us together.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 05/29/20 at 04:47 AM

Sweetly sad, her departure. Lovely POTD!

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