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Blue Jay Way

by Chris Sorrenti

a dream needs detail
I know what I'll do next
toss this Frisbee into the air
and you
you can catch it between your teeth

while you're up there
grab a hand full of stars
wave to the blue jays
and they'll wave back
seeing you as one of them

they will follow us onto our dream bus
but must ride outside
for they are after all only blue jays
and we're off down the road
that hand full of stars you grabbed
shooting ahead
lighting our way

the blue jays perched on the side view mirror
turning into jets
launching for home
now aren’t you glad we didn’t let them ride inside?
as our aircraft carrier once a bus docks

we're tired
homeward bound ourselves
the children jump for joy at our arrival
but disappointed
we won't give them a ride
in our aircraft carrier once again a bus
next time kids
this dream has run out of stars
oh if only you had had four arms

I know!
it's my turn
here - toss this Frisbee into the air
and I'll catch it with my teeth
while I'm up there
be whatever you want me to be
even an octopus
to grab eight arms worth of stars!

© 2003

1,080 hits as of July 2024


Author's Note: Inspired by a surreal dream, and the surreal Beatles’ song of the same title, Blue Jay Way, from Magical Mystery Tour.

Posted on 10/02/2016
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 10/04/16 at 12:14 AM

Fun stuff, Chris. Good fantastical ride, plenty of invitation and grabbing at the stars pulls the whole universe into this trip. Thanks!

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