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by Chris Sorrenti

Pleasant days and ways ahead
Dressed in love the two of us
Improving with the times
Playing out our lives
Watching the seasons come and go
Growing old the best of friends

Personal storms all behind
Through our differences
We’ve learned a new smile
One by one
The fruit of prosperity
Calls for picking
The world will soon be ours

So come my love
And sing this song of life with me
Let the years pass successfully
Making new friends along the way
Helping them find their own place
Even if time’s to slowly claim us
We’ll still have eternity

© 1979

1,140 hits as of April 2024


Posted on 03/02/2016
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Glenn Currier on 12/10/17 at 02:00 PM

Reading this poem and knowing the long history of your writing, it is nice to read this written a good while back, trying to place myself in that 1979 presence. Thanks for sharing.

Posted by John Herzog on 12/15/17 at 09:56 PM

What a sweet, idyllic place to be in :) You've captured that lightness and peace exquisitely. I hope you still feel the same today

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