
by Philip F De Pinto

The foal

Which is my hand

Recently birthed of my pocket

Has no other goal

But to trot or stampede with yours

Birthed of your purse

Over the blessed nay accursed meadows

Of our becoming gelding and mare

Maned couplets to be certain

Faring well

To squeeze

As we please

The molding in our combined hand holding

And lastly on our lists

The pinching of the wrists

Ceases the logs running

In our pulse

Albeit they had a good run

Wending their way

To the mill and the saw

The carpentry and the planing and glue

And not the final strawing of which

Would have barned and bonded two souls unclasped

In stalls nay separate but one

And what is left of such foals

Arrived at summation

Yet denied consummation

Save be interred in pocket and purse?


Posted on 01/10/2016
Copyright © 2025 Philip F De Pinto

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 01/12/16 at 01:07 AM

The thought of hands trotting about is quite an entertaining visual, Philip; the holding is the magic, isn't it. One can only hope they will not be interred for long.

Posted by Elizabeth Shaw on 01/13/16 at 03:38 PM

Darling Philip, if every there was a poem to excite, to burst nay break down the gates holding one down, to still the meadows listen red, the smells of cedar lofting in our thoughts like your logs coursing through my veins - this foal is like a good healthy kick in would be poets pants! I hear your now get up and be doing you dimwits whilst the logs wheel turns - O this poem does this and more, it's beauty likens to Keats 'to haunt my days and chill my dreaming nights', as well as to Ghassan Zaqtan's poem Black Horses as translated by Fady Joudah,'raising my ghosts and feeding them that they swim like black horses in my sleep'. I can not do justice to your brilliance... so thankful for this beauty...Foals.

Posted by Laura Doom on 01/19/16 at 08:39 PM

Gelding and mare is an interesting couplet, maned or tamed, and pocket/purse equally effective synecdoche pairing. And yes, it does take two to tangle...

Posted by LK Barrett on 02/24/16 at 11:09 PM

Dear one, such a singing ringing paean to spring, and two-ing and fro-ing and all the light laying above the are the clouds in my coffee, I'm just wild about this...thank you for the lovely

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