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Beaver Tails!

by Chris Sorrenti

Seeing as we’re once more on Winter’s doorstep, and Christmas not far off,
I thought it would be fun to share a light story a friend of mine recounted to me,
about one of his experiences in the late 1990s, while driving a supply truck for the United Nations
in Kosovo, not long after the war there.

Due to the nature of his work, Seamus, or Sea’ (pronounced Che) as he preferred to be called,
met all kinds of people in his travels. While unloading his truck one day, he got into a discussion
with a native Kosovan man, who was curious about Canada. At one point during the conversation,
the subject of food came up, and the man asked Sea’ what Canadians liked to eat.

Sea’ thought for a moment about what would be considered a customary Canadian food.
My friend immediately blurted out the first thing that came to mind...Beaver Tails!

Obviously knowing what a Beaver was, the Kosovan gasped in surprise with an expression of
disgust, Sea’ quickly realizing by the look on his face that the man had taken him literally.
Sea’ roared with laughter at the Kosovan, still in the dark as to what was so funny about eating a
Beaver’s tail.

Sea’ then went on to explain to the man that a Beaver Tail was in fact a kind of pastry,
seasoned with sugar and cinnamon or Maple syrup. The Kosovan then also laughed...but in relief,
shaking his head as they continued on with their work.

 photo BeavertailsRED40_zpsmejojmhj.jpg

© 2015
Photo courtesy of the Net

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Posted on 12/02/2015
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 12/04/15 at 08:30 PM

Of course, me an alumna of Oregon State University my first thought was, "No way!!" I liked the tale told here, Chris. ;) I can't tell how big these actually are but they look so much like naan from the bazaar (remove the sugary topping and add some slight depressions around the edge. Funny how we all see things differently. Thanks for this.

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