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From The God Of All Gods

by Chris Sorrenti

The God of all gods isn't impressed with overkill
Worship him - yes! - but no hands and knees please
Just a prayer now and then to know you still think of him
And Sunday pew show offs better stay at home

The God of all gods prefers hard work to sacrifice
Doesn't appreciate salesmen getting rich off his name
Didn't write anything about blood transfusions
Never said exactly when the world would end

The God of all gods doesn't like holy wars
Didn't give Moses or Mohammed a gun or The Bomb
All he asks is that you love your neighbor
And keep your hands off the neighbor's spouse

The God of all gods suggested I write this
Doesn't ask for much
Just a poem now and then

© 1993

1,090 hits as of May 2024


Posted on 11/25/2015
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Paul Lastovica on 11/26/15 at 04:57 AM

'Sunday pew show offs better stay at home' I see too many of these...

Posted by Brian Francis on 11/27/15 at 01:15 PM

the most beautiful cathedrals and the most awesome pews are found in nature. Nice work here oh prophet

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 11/27/15 at 08:36 PM

A playful undertone to this, Chris. Always interesting to read how human's view God/gods and our relationships. Amusing ending. Thanks.

Posted by Laura Doom on 11/28/15 at 08:18 PM

or all the gods of God--either way there is no answer.

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